What is Bioresonance Testing?

A truly unique and individualized blueprint for whole-body healing that embraces the interconnectedness of our being within the greater web of life

We firmly believe that every being is blessed with an extraordinary gift—a remarkable reservoir of innate intelligence. Throughout the vast spectrum of life, from the most modest organism to the most intricate entity, there exists a profound store of information.

This inherent wisdom not only sets each being apart in its uniqueness but also governs its interconnectedness with the greater tapestry of existence. In the bioenergetic field this reservoir of knowledge is often recognized as a frequency or signature pattern—a code that can be as straightforward as a solitary note or as intricate as a symphony in full bloom.

At Innate Body Academy, we offer a groundbreaking approach to comprehensive body analysis that goes beyond the conventional methods of healing. We believe in exploring the deep connections between the mind, body, and the greater ecological system. Our clients are empowered to unravel the messages their bodies are conveying and address the underlying blocks to vibrant wellness. Our mission in bioresonance testing transcends the limitations of traditional allopathic and functional medicine.

We embrace a bioecological approach to healing.

Recognizing that we are an integral part of the microcosm within the macrocosm, we approach healthcare with a holistic perspective. Our focus is on the "medicine of health," prioritizing proactive wellness rather than solely addressing disease.

Bioresonance Analysis

Using the Qest4™ System, a micro-amp current (energy pattern) is sent through provided hair, urine, nail and saliva samples. The response to these energetic patterns allow us to assess the energetic status of your health.

The amount of current that passes through the cellular structure reveals the functionality of the tissues being tested.

When using bioenergetic testing, information is gathered on the quantum, physical, chemical, emotional levels…

The non-invasive nature of bioresonance testing allows for the measurement of an individual's biologically unique "fingerprint" and the identification of signatures associated with energetic disharmony. These frequencies can be linked to pathogens, nutritional imbalances, organ systems, hormonal imbalances, toxins, balancing protocols, emotions, and more.


When answers have been illusive, bioresonance can provide unmatched clarity.

Recently, a significant 15-year study called NANOGrav was published in which several independent teams from different countries participated, utilizing diverse pulsar data. Surprisingly, despite the variations in their approaches, these teams reached a similar conclusion

The entire universe is pulsating with vibrations.

Every atom and every particle is interacting with an endless web of symphonic gyration.

Wave particle duality states that every atom, every particle within it, dances between solid form and etherial waves. This captivating principal suggests that at the most fundamental level we are the result of vibrational pattern interactions.


  • Certainly! We understand that this may be a new concept to many. Bioresonance testing, also known as bioenergetic testing, is a non-invasive method of uncovering and addressing barriers to healing. Through this innovative approach, we can identify causal factors contributing to dis-ease at the atomic level. By pinpointing acute and chronic conditions within the body, we can determine the most suitable approach to facilitate healing. Our goal is to provide comprehensive insights that empower the body's innate healing capabilities.

  • Bioresonance testing is based on quantum laws that propose our bodies store information, with every encounter registering as a memory at the subatomic level of information exchange. This comprehensive memory encompasses pathogens, environmental toxins, emotional states, sensitivities, and more. To conduct the testing, we collect hair, urine, nail, and saliva samples, allowing us to compare the vibrational signatures from your samples to a catalog of vibratory hertz patterns. This process enables us to identify potential imbalances in your system, offering valuable insights into your overall state of well-being.

    Bioresonance testing operates on the understanding that our cells store a vast amount of information. Daily interactions with our environment, including exposure to toxins, sensitivities, viruses, and more, are stored within our cells. The information contained within our hair follicles, growing from blood vessels, can reach back up to six years, reflecting our bioenergetic patterns.

  • While our groundbreaking testing approach offers transformative results, it's important to understand that healing is not a quick fix. We recommend a commitment of at least 3-6 months to experience substantial progress. The duration of your healing journey will vary based on the state of your health and the magnitude of imbalances, whether they are chronic or acute.

  • At IBA, we firmly believe that success is achievable if you are committed to applying the information provided. Our role is to support you in your journey towards full-body wellness; however, it's essential to recognize that we do not perform the work for you. Positive results are dependent on your readiness to take action on your own behalf. We don't possess a magic wand, but we are here to assist you in uncovering important blocks to your success.

  • Intention and belief play a significant role in our methodology. If you are not willing to follow the supplementation or other recommendations, this may not be the right fit for you. Additionally, a skeptical or closed-minded approach can hinder receptivity to our methods. For optimal results, open communication and mutual respect are essential. If you embrace this approach, we welcome you wholeheartedly.

  • While we understand specific concerns, we don't provide partial testing for singular resonating pathogens, disease states, or toxins. Our focus is on a more comprehensive and embodied approach to testing. Clients achieve the best results when they undergo a full foundational scan, allowing us to understand how potential concerns fit into the bigger picture. If your car broke down you wouldn't ask the mechanic to look at a single part. Similar to a full car diagnostic, we believe in addressing the body holistically to address deeper layers of imbalance.

  • Our standard processing time for US Clients is three weeks. Collaborating with several proficient bioenergetic practitioners, upon receiving your samples, our team initiates the testing procedure and promptly dispatches your results to your provider. Kindly note, we provide a service, and your provider assumes responsibility for communicating your information and managing appointment schedules and any required follow-ups.

  • Innate Body Academy operates as a fully virtual clinic, serving clients remotely throughout the United States. Bioresonance testing is available for clients nationwide, and functional labs can be conducted in all states outside of NJ, RI, NY. At this time, we do not accept international clients due to shipping delays and supplementation complexities.

  • At this time, we do not accept insurance.

  • Our goal at IBA is to guide clients towards optimal success. Depending on individual conditions, our recommendations may include supplementation, homeopathics, herbal remedies, food-as-medicine approaches, and lifestyle adjustments. We consider clients' budgets and tailor recommendations accordingly, while the final decision on which approach to pursue rests with the client.

  • Supplement protocols typically range from $150-$400 per 4-6 weeks. These short-term protocols are designed to support the healing process and can be adjusted as progress is made. As a client starts to feel better, supplementation generally decreases. Our goal is not to rely on supplementation but instead to use it as a tool for self-correction when the body struggles to do so on its own.

  • Yes, our practitioners work with clients of all ages, including children. Our testing methodologies are suitable for even the youngest individuals, and the process is the same as working with adults.

  • Absolutely! You can book a complimentary 15-minute discovery call at any time to discuss your interests and explore how Innate Body Academy can assist you.